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March 22 2017

Today, I arrived at school like every day, with a bag, food, and keys. But today I had to bring a notebook. Why? Yesterday, Tuesday, a policewoman came to our class to train me and my friends for next year, when we would have to safely transport our schoolchildren from 07:30 to 08:05. And today, we went to practice in reality. Sounds good up here, right? But then, it was my turn and my partner's. It was actually easy. But we went through the other half-crossing, which had a wall next to it, the whole class, sat on the wall. Nice? No. The policewoman said to get off the wall, that it was okay, but two minutes later our teacher sat down on the wall and everyone looked at her, she said, "What are you looking at? As if she were God and could do whatever she wanted! At least she would not sit on the wall, and after 10 seconds I looked again to see what was behind her, she teased me. She was lucky that a week before that there was a climate in which the students ranked their school, and even if a day before the Meitzav, she would not shout at me, just because I told her that the break was supposed to begin (without being punished nonstop) Ranks "Do teachers treat you with dignity?" Maybe I would not rank "enough".


March 23, 2017

This week, our school takes place during the week of Hammad, a week in which special things are done for him. For example, on Monday, Rabbi Micha Halevi, the chief rabbi of Petach Tikva, visited us as he did each year and gave a lecture, so today it was the Tachan Market. Sounds, you bring books or toys you already need, and buy things you like, but how does it relate to Hamdash week? So, all the sums earned by members of the Sayeret Chesed (which is responsible for the market) are donated to charity. It sounds a little bit, but we have 900 students in the school, and each student has at least 10 shekels or more. Donation of 10,000 NIS! Wow. But, it came out that I did not buy anything, because all the layers of the 123 destroyed everything. I bought only an ear heater.


March 24, 2017

Ah! Friday! Weekend! You do not need a freak from school! Ease of any student: entity or high school! No worries, no problems, no work, only freedom. But then came Sunday, all right. Second, there are no problems. But by Tuesday, they begin to feel worried until Thursday. And on the fifth day, peace begins, tomorrow is Friday, and then on Shabbat. But again after that? First. Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ... It's a sigh on the weekend ... But then, Sunday. This year there are 52 times on Sunday, so there is nothing to be bothered about, just get up with a good reason to continue the day every morning ...


March 30, 2017

Today, Thursday, I visited with my school friends (only students of an excellent track) at the Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv. Apparently my school is trying to synchronize with the Bnei Akiva clock, because they said we would leave at 8:00, and we left at 08:47. The ride was an hour. At 9:46 we reached the doors of the museum, and when we entered, we ate immediately. At 10:14 we walked a few dozen meters to the area with grass. We were told that we would visit a modern paper exhibition, modern glass, and a planetarium. But before that, we will make candlesticks from 2 glass blocks and a small bowl. But I did not. I kept a souvenir. Then we went to the paper exhibition. It was not so interesting. The glass exhibition. Only the building where the building show was, was interesting, because it was round, which means that if you whisper something on one side of the room, on the other side hear it loud. And the planetarium, I expected to see the stars, but because it was light outside, we did not expect.

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