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March 22, 2017

Prevent The road accidents

Today, I arrived at school like every day, with a bag, food, and keys. But today I had to bring a notebook. Why? Yesterday, Tuesday, a policewoman came to our class to train me and my friends for next year, when we would have to safely transport our schoolchildren from 07:30 to 08:05. And today, we went to practice in reality. Sounds good up here, right? But then, it was my turn and my partner's. It was actually easy. But we went through the other half-crossing, which had a wall next to it, the whole class, sat on the wall. Nice? No. The policewoman said to get off the wall, that it was okay, but two minutes later our teacher sat down on the wall and everyone looked at her, she said, "What are you looking at? As if she were God and could do whatever she wanted! At least she would not sit on the wall, and after 10 seconds I looked again to see what was behind her, she teased me. She was lucky that a week before that there was a climate in which the students ranked their school, and even if a day before the Meitzav, she would not shout at me, just because I told her that the break was supposed to begin (without being punished nonstop) Ranks "Do teachers treat you with dignity?" Maybe I would not rank "enough".

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